owe trainer

Door Trainers

ARI has manufactured a wide variety of door trainers — with options ranging from main, over-wing exit, cockpit, and mid-cabin exit. The doors are manufactured to actual aircraft weights and dimensions to ensure valid training and operation while teaching correct door handling procedures. Specific settings such as a door jam malfunction can be integrated into the door to simulate an emergency condition.

A stand-alone trainer may be integrated into multiple devices and configurations, with options being:

  • Hydraulic lifting

  • Door actuation & handling

  • Door/exit malfunctions

  • Gurt bar

  • Slide resistance

  • Door/Exit Jam

  • Emergency exit lighting

  • Door/Exit handle actuation

  • Alternate slide pull

  • Slide pressure indication

l1 door trainer
door owe trainer
door trainer

Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainers


Galley Trainers